Newborn and Family Photography {Bull}

January 12, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

Welcome Isaac! A sweet baby boy to a wonderful family

Potsdam NY Based Photographers: Natalie’s Studio| Newborn & Family

Oh, how I love this family.  You couldn’t find more down to earth people.  I have had the pleasure of photographing Sarah and Matt from their engagement, wedding, first child and now their second child; sweet baby Isaac.  It brings me so much joy to be part of a family and watch them grow and experience all of the wonders of life as they welcome a new baby to the family.  This is one of the huge perks of my job.  I just cherish bring beautiful images to people for the most important moments of their lives.

For his newborn photography session, we chose navy blue, earth tones and neutral colors.  I love Simon's favorite plaid hat!  He looks so adorable in it, he just makes your heart melt!  And Isaac did such a wonderful job for his photos.  He was sweet and happy right to the end of the session.  We even got some eye open newborn photos which doesn’t always happen. 

So please join me in welcoming sweet baby Isaac David to the world!  He arrived on November 14th of 2018.  He was 9lbs 13oz and 21 inches long.  And his big brother Simon loves giving him kisses! 

Photographers Potsdam Canton NYNewborn Photographers PotsdamKid and Family Photographers Potsdam NY Photographers Potsdam Canton NYNewborn Photographers PotsdamKid and Family Photographers Potsdam NY Photographers Potsdam Canton NYNewborn Photographers PotsdamKid and Family Photographers Potsdam NY Photographers Potsdam Canton NYNewborn Photographers PotsdamKid and Family Photographers Potsdam NY Photographers Potsdam Canton NYNewborn Photographers PotsdamKid and Family Photographers Potsdam NY Photographers Potsdam Canton NYNewborn Photographers PotsdamKid and Family Photographers Potsdam NY Newborn Photographers in PotsdamPotsdam NY Photographers Photographers Potsdam Canton NYNewborn Photographers PotsdamKid and Family Photographers Potsdam NY Photographers Potsdam Canton NYNewborn Photographers PotsdamKid and Family Photographers Potsdam NY Newborn Baby Photographersphotography of baby boy by Natalie's studio Photographers Potsdam NYCollage Photography custom designs photography potsdam ny


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