Tips for High School Seniors
You want to look your best for your senior portraits. Preparation is essential. Planning what you will wear. Hair and makeup are important elements also.
Clothing Tips
Bring solid colors.
No matter what the temperature is outside, bring at least one long sleeve top. Also cute jackets are a good idea. (Jean jackets are timeless)
If you don’t like your upper arms, avoid sleeveless tops. Dark tops with long sleeves work best.
If a shirt feels to tight or short, it will look tight and short in your photos.
Girls, bring high heels. Even if you don’t wear them that often, they give you great posture in photographs and can help give you an edgy feel.
If wearing light clothing make sure to wear flesh colored undergarments. Dark or patterned under garments will show through.
Stay away from shirts with logos or branding. We want to focus on you not read your shirt.
Bring a variety. Formal, Casual, Fancy and something that describes you. Remember many people will want these photos from your friends to your grandparents. You will want variety.
Ignore the weather man. Whether it is summer or winter we can create a variety inside the studio.
Makeup and Hair
Don’t be afraid of make-up! A little brighter and bolder make-up photographs well.
Eye shadow can get “washed out” in photos sometimes. It is best to use a primer to keep your shadow bright and fade free.
Use a photo finish foundation. This will minimize shinny skin.
Bring a hair brush and some product to keep your hair frizz free during the shoot.
Don’t worry too much about blemishes. Basic touch ups are included in packages. So don’t get self-conscious of blemishes, just relax and have fun.
Bring Props that describe YOU. Cool Hats, Jewelry, Instruments, an iPod, artwork, books…. These all make great additions to portraits.
If you are an athlete bring your sports gear and uniforms. Don’t forget the helmets, dance outfits, balls and more. Guys- don’t forget the shoulder pads and helmet!
Most Important
Get excited about showing off who YOU are. This is your portrait, an image that describes you. Make it your own and have fun with it.